Current Projects
Target Study
In this project we analyze different value creating mechanisms form a targets perspective. If you were engaged in a transaction, please follow this link to the online questionnaire (in german only).
Buyer Study
In this project we analyze value creating and coordination mechanisms from a buyers perspective. If you werde engaged in a transaction, please follow this link to the online questionnaire (in german only)
Speed of Integration
In this project we analyze different organizational levels of integration speed, and try to develop a better measurement model for the construct.
Coordination Mechanisms
In this project we analyze different coordination mechanisms (formal and informal) and it´s impact on intermediate goal achievement.
Brand Value and M&A
In this project, we analyze the effect of different brand integration strategies on brand value and performance over a three year period.
Marketing Management in M&A
In this project, we analyze the effects of Marketing issues (Relatedness, Integration, ...) on the M&A outcome.