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Our publications make a significant contribute to a better understanding of Mergers and Acquisitions for theory and practice. If we have sparked your interest in our research, you can always feel free to contact us.




Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

Dao, M.A./Bauer, F./Strobl, A./Matzler, K./Eulerich, M. (forthcoming): The complementing and facilitating nature of common ground in acquisitions - Why task and human integration are still necessary in the presence of common ground, in: International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Bauer, F./Strobl, A./Dao, M.A./Matzler, K./Rudolf, N. (forthcoming): Examining links between pre and post M&A value creation mechanisms - Exploration, exploitation and ambidexterity in Central European SMEs, in: Long Range Planning

Bauer, F./Dao, M.A./Matzler, K./Tarba, S. (forthcoming): How industry lifecycle sets boundary conditions for M&A integration, in: Long Range Planning

Mooradian, T./Matzler, K./Uzelac, B./Bauer, F. (forthcoming): Prespiration and inspiration: Grit and innovativeness as antecedents of entrepreneurial success, in: Journal of Economic Psychology

Matzler, K./Strobl, A./Stockburger-Sauer, N./Bobovnicky, A./Bauer, F. (2016): Brand personality and culture: The role of cultural differences on the impact of brand personality perceptions on tourists' visit intentions, in: Tourism Management, Vol. 52(2016), pp. 507-520.

Bauer, F./King, D.R./Matzler, K. (2016). Speed of acquisition integration: Separating the role of human and task integration, in: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 32(3), pp. 150-165

Publications in non-peer-reviewed journals:

Bauer, F./Schriber, S./King, D.R. (2016): Wettbewerbsdynamiken bei Akquisitionen - Einflüsse, Konsequenzen und prozessuale Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, in: M&A REVIEW, 27(3), 65-70.


Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

Matzler, K./Uzelac, B./Bauer, F. [forthcomming]: The role of intuition in managerial decision making, in: Journal of Business Strategy

Bauer, F., Hautz, J., & Matzler, K. (2015). Unveiling the myths of M&A integration - Challenging general management and consulting practice, in: Journal of Business Strategy, 36(2), pp. 16-24

Matzler, K., Bauer, F., & Mooradian, T. (2015). Self-esteem and transformational leadership, in: Jounral of Managerial Psychology, 30(7), pp. 1-25

Bauer, F., Hautz, J., & Matzler, K. (2015). Unveiling the myths of M&A integration - Challenging general management and consulting practice, in: Journal of Business Strategy, 36(2), pp. 16-24

Uzelac, B., Bauer, F., Matzler, K., & Waschak, M. (2015). The moderating effects of decision making preferences on M&A integration speed and performance, in:  International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp. 1-27

Chapters in books:

Degischer, D./Bauer, F. (2015): Zur Interaktion von Integration und Transaktionserfahrung - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Transfereffekte von 217 Transaktionen; in: Wollersheim, J./Welpe, I. M. (Hrsg.), Forum Mergers & Acquisitions 2014. Beiträge aus rechts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht (S. 243-258). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Rothermel, M., & Bauer, F. (2015). Branding in mergers and acquisitions: Current research and contingent research questions. In A. Risberg, D. R. King & O. Meglio (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to mergers and acquisitions (pp. 367-382). Oxon and New York: Routledge.

Bauer, F. (2015). A literature review and a suggested future research agenda on speed of integration in M&A: Tacking stock of what we know. In A. Risberg, D. R. King & O. Meglio (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to mergers and acquisitions (pp. 337-353). Oxon and New York: Routledge.


Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

Bauer F./Matzler, K. (2014): Antecedents of M&A success: The role of strategic complementarity, cultural fit, and degree and speed of integration, in: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 35, pp. 269-291

Uzelac, B., Matzler, K., & Bauer,F. (2014). Intuition's value for organizational innovativeness and why managers still refrain from using it, in: Management Decision, 52(3), pp. 526-539

Uzelac, B., Matzler, K., & Bauer, F. (2014). The role of intuition and deliberation for exploration and exploitation success, in: Creativity and Innovation Management, 23(3), pp. 252-263

Bauer, F., Matzler, K., & Wolf, S. (2014). M&A and innovation: The role of integration and cultural differences - A central european targets perspective, in: International Business Review, 25(1), pp. 76-86

Matzler, K., Uzelac, B., & Bauer, F. (2014). Intuition: The missing ingredient for good managerial decision-making, in: Journal of Business Strategy, 35(6), pp. 31-40

Chapters in books

Abfalter, D./Matzler, K./Bauer, F. (2014): In leaders we trust - Der Einfluss transformationaler Führung auf Vertrauen, Unternehmenserfolg und Innovation; in: Matzler, K./Pechlaner, H./Renzl, B. (Hrsg.): Strategie und Leadership – Festschrift für Hans H. Hinterhuber, Springer Gabler

Strobl, A./Matzler, K./Bauer, F. (2014): Vertrauen in unternehmerisch geprägten KMU's; in: Matzler, K./Pechlaner, H./Renzl, B. (Hrsg.): Strategie und Leadership - Festschrift für Hans H. Hinterhuber, Springer Gabler

Conference contributions

Bauer, F./Dao, M. A./Degischer, D. (2014): How Informal Coordination Moderates Human and Task Integration on Internal Reorganization, 14th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, Oxford – Saïd Business School, 04.-05.08.2014

Dao, M. A./Bauer, F./Matzler, K./Eulerich, M. (2014): Effects of the Cultural Environment on Integration Process Efficiency – The Moderating Role of Common Ground, EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, 03.-05.07.2014

Dao, M. A./Degischer, D. (2014): Choosing the right integration strategy for innovation. TIIM Conference, Seoul, 28.-30.05. 2014

Degischer, D./Huter, L./Erlacher, M./Bauer, F. (2014): Acquisition learning – A comparison of acquisition experience in similar & culturally/institutionally dissimilar environmental settings. Cross Cultural Business Conference, Steyr, 14.05.2014

Degischer, D./Bauer, F. (2014): Integrating acquired resources and capabilities. Management, Knowledge and Learning Conference, Portoroz, 25.-27.06.2014


Publications in non-peer-reviewed journals:

Bauer, F./Matzler, K. (2013): Welche Faktoren den M&A Erfolg beeinflussen, in: IMP Perspectives 2013

Conference contributions

Bauer, F., Degischer, D., & Matzler, K. (2013): Is Speed of Integration in M&A Learnable. Management, Knowledge and Learning Conference, Zadar, 19.-21.06.2013

Bauer, F./ Matzler, K. (2013): Developing a Better Measure for Speed of Integration in M&A, in: Proceedings to the EURAM 2013, Istanbul, 26.-29.06.2013

Bauer, F./Matzler, K. (2013): How Labor Market Flexibility and Efficiency Moderates the Effect of Human and Task Integration Speed on M&A Performance, Mergers & Acquisitions im Spannungsfeld der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Düsseldorf, 29.11.2013

Degischer, D./Bauer, F./Eulerich, M./Roth, A. (2013): Entwicklung eines besseren Verständnisses zum Transfer von Transaktionserfahrung - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Transfereffekte von 217 Transaktionen; Mergers & Acquisitions im Spannungsfeld der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Düsseldorf, 29.11.2013

Schiener, M./Bauer, F./Matzler, K./Rothermel, M. (2013): The Influence of Cultural Integration Speed on the Performance of Mergers & Acquisitions, in: Proceedings of the EURAM 2013, Istanbul, 26.-29.06.2013

Sejkora, J./Bauer, F./Matzler, K. (2013) How Brand- and Marketing Relatedness Affects Brand Integration Strategy and Brand Value - Insights from Acquisitions of Interbrand Ranked Companies, in: Proceedings to the EURAM 2013, Istanbul, 26.-29.06.2013

Uzelac, B./Matzler, K./ Bauer, F. (2013): Intuition's Versus Deliberation's Role for Exploration and Exploitation Success, in: Proceedings to the EURAM 2013, Istanbul, 26.-29.06.2013


Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

Anslinger, T./Bauer, F. (2012): New Perspectives on Sustainable Personnel Recruitment and Retention Management, in: Adaptive Options, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 27-32

Bauer, F./Matzler, K./Wille, C. (2012): Integrating brand and marketing perspectives in M&A, in: Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 10, Issue 4

Chapters in books

Bauer, F./Anslinger, T. (2012): Kognitive Beschleunigung oder affektive Entschleunigung? - Zur Rolle der Integrationsgeschwindigkeit bei M&A, in: Saenger, I., Schewe, G. (Hrsg.): Forum Mergers & Acquisitions 2012, Gabler Research, Wiesbaden, S. 210-220.

Conference contributions

Bauer, F./Matzler, K. (2012): What do we know about speed of integration in M&A? - A suggestive future research Agenda, EURAM Conference, Rotterdam, 06.-08.06.2012

Ortiz, D./Bauer, F. (2012): Integrating common good, managerial wisdom and organizational justice in long-term-performance analysis - Insights from Austrian companies, ISBEE World Congress, Warschau, 11.-14.07.2012

Uzelac, B./Matzler, K./Bauer, F. (2012): Do companies unlearn to be intuitive? Factors inhibiting intuitive decision making and innovativeness, EURAM Conference, Rotterdam, 06.-08.2012


Chapters in books

Wille, C./Bauer, F./Anslinger, T. (2011): Corporate Brand Management bei M&A - Problemfelder und Erfolgsfaktoren, in: Wollersheim J., Bartel E. (Hrsg): Forum M&A

Conference contributions

Anslinger, T./Bauer, F. (2011): Towards sustainable organizations: What do prospective employees really expect? Insights from Austrian engineering college students, in: Proceedings to the MIC Conference 2011

Bauer, F./Anslinger, T. (2011): Kognitive Beschleunigung oder affektive Entschleunigung? - Zur Rolle der Integrationsgeschwindigkeit bei M&A; Mergers & Acquisitions im Spannungsfeld der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Köln, 02.12.2011

Bauer, F./Matzler, K. (2011): Developing a more holistic understanding of M&A - Connecting schools of thought and phases of the M&A process through insights from central European SME transactions; EURAM, Tallinn, 1-4.06.2011

Bauer, F./Matzler, K./Wille, C. (2011): Integrating marketing and brand perspectives in M&A; Druids Conference, Copenhagen, 15-17.06.2011


Conference contributions

Bauer, F./Anslinger, T./Dickel, J. (2010): Identifying Critical Success Factors in Technology Transfer From a Transferor Perspective – Insights from Austrian Companies; Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Pinkafeld, 7-8.04.2010

Bauer, F./Anslinger, T./Dickel, J. (2010): Identifying critical success factors in technology transfer from a transferors perspective - insights from Austrian companies, in: Tagungsband FFH, S. 479-481

Wille, C./Bauer, F./Anslinger, T. (2010): Corporate Brand Management bei M&A - Problemfelder und Erfolgsfaktoren; Mergers & Acquisitions im Spannungsfeld der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, 4.11.2010


Conference contributions

Anslinger, T./Bauer, F. (2009): The Impact of the UEFA EURO 2008TM on sustainable business behavior - the Innsbruck-Tirol Example, in: Tagungsband FFH, S. 252-257

Anslinger, T./Bauer, F. (2009): The Impact of the UEFA EURO 2008TM on sustainable business behavior-The Innsbruck-Tirol example; Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Villach, 15-16.04.2009


Conference contributions

Anslinger, T./Bauer, F. (2008): The Impact of the UEFA EURO 2008TM on sustainable business behavior - The Innsbruck-Tirol example; Challenges facing football in the21st century; Bern, 17.05.2008

Bauer, F./ Anslinger, T. (2008): Identifying Critical Success Factors in Technology Transfer from a Transferor Perspective-Insights from Austrian Companies; Technology Transfer – The Profession & the Practice, Rotterdam, 3-4.12.2008