Philippe Bauer, B.A. - Research Intern
Philippe Bauer is a Research Intern at SMA Research Lab.
He holds a B.A. in business from Management Center Innsbruck and is currently enrolled in the Master’s degree program Strategic Management & Law, also at Management Center Innsbruck. Prior to his studies, he spent several years in the Austrian Armes Forces and is currently working in the strategy department at Swarovski.
In Autumn 2016, Philippe takes part in the International Strategic Management program at Kozminski University in Poland for six months.
Moreover, he gathered research experience in the field of M&A by writing his Bachelor’s thesis on the topic of varied perception of acquiring and target firms relating to human resource management in acquisition implementation. Plus, in 2016 he published a conference paper Human Resource Management in Acquisition Implementation and presented it at the 10th Research Forum of the Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences in Vienna.