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SMA Masterkandidaten 2013 schließen mit Auszeichnung ab

Im Frühjahr 2013 haben zehn Master-Studierende der Universität Innsbruck und des Management Center Innsbruck zwei Primär-Studien im Rahmen ihrer Masterarbeiten durchgeführt. Darin wurden sowohl aus Käufer- als auch aus Zielperspektive phasenübergreifende Wertsteigerungs- und Koordinationsmechanismen untersucht.


Benedikt Bergmeister - Change Management in Mergers & Acquisitions - Insights from Central European Transactions
Mai Anh Dao - The Common Ground Phenomenon and Its Influence on Cultural and Task Integration
Carolin Proft - The Interdependencies of Human and Task Integration Speed and their Joint Effect on the Performance of Mergers and Acquisitions
Nicole Rudolf - The Value Creating Mechanisms of Ambidexterity in M&A
Melanie Waschak - The Influence of the Decision-Making Style on Task and Cultural Integration Speed in Mergers and Acquisitions


Manuel Kern -The Moderating Role of Realignment on the Fit-Performance Relation in M&A
Emanuel Kofler - The Influence of Exploitation and Exploration Fit on the Performance of Mergers and Acquisitions and the Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Learning
Andreas Wiedenmann - Ambidexterity in M&A and the Impact of Resource Interaction
Markus Wittmann - Value Creation in M&A: The Impact of Operational Compatibility and Relative Integration Speed on Exploration and Exploitation Strategies
Stefan Wolf - The Influence of Cultural Differences on the Relationship of M&A Integration and Innovativeness